Arizona Window Washers : We’re Hiring!

Arizona Window Washers

Deer Valley

Deer Valley is beautiful, especially with the very low humidity and 90 degree summers but 50 to 60 degree winters and no snow. It is home of locations such as Lake Carl Pleasant, the Desert Foothills Amphitheater, Cave Creek Museum, the Deer Valley Rock Art Center, the Phoenix Public Library Desert Broom Branch, and more.

It also has several shopping centers, churches, streams, rivers, and creeks. There are a lot of parks and educational activities for those residing in or visiting Deer Park Valley. All of the outdoor activities make this a great place to live for hikers, outdoorsy types, and families.

Compared to the rest of the state, Deer Valley houses a lot of families with high family income. More than 75% of homes in Deer Valley house families as opposed to the state numbers showing 66.2%. Most households in Deer Valley house married partners with an average household size of 2.7 inhabitants, meaning very small families. The weather and activities available mean parents and children have many opportunities to exercise their brains and their bodies.

So while you’re raising your family hiking in the parks or visiting museums you don’t need to be worrying about cleaning your gutters or washing your windows. Let Arizona Window Washers do that for you before you leave to enjoy the year-round sun so it will be done quickly and efficiently. We’ll wash your patios, siding, windows, and more. Also, seeing as Deer Valley sees so much sun, invest in some and we’ll wash them for you to keep you powered by the most glorious orb in the sky.

El Mirage

The small city of El Mirage spans less than 10 square miles but it has a lot to offer. Just under half of the households have children and just over half have married couples. In 2000 the census recorded 7,609 residents and the 2010 census recorded 31,797, showing a huge increase in population. El Mirage is near the Luke U.S. Air Force Base, which the largest Fighter Pilot training Base in NATO with the highest is paid city manager per capita in the Phoenix area.

El Mirage will have their 2018 Fall Festival in October, featuring carnival games and rides, and will have a night of festivities. The city features an Annual Pavement Preservation project, keeping the city roads looking wonderful and cars running smoothly. So use that money you saved buying local food and not paying for repairs caused to your car from potholes and have your windows professional washed by us. Get your friends together and marvel at the clean patio or deck we can provide when you use our services. Don’t spend hours over the course of a few months washing your windows; our cleaning solution features wax additives which will repel dirt for up to six months! That time you used to use cleaning windows can now be spent going to city-provided celebrations or going to the Farmer’s Market.

Just call Arizona Window Washers for all your home cleaning services needs.