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Window cleaning is a boring task we all dread, but we have to do it, eventually. Cleaning the windows of a tall building is another ball game altogether. It is nothing like regular window cleaning.

When you think of window cleaning a tall building, your becomes a primary concern. A slip is all it will take, and there would be death or serious bodily injuries. Being up there to clean your window has a different feel. It can terrify you if you are also afraid of heights.

The wind is also an element that makes window cleaning tall buildings scary. What happens when you are up there cleaning the windows, and suddenly it becomes windy? The windows need cleaning to remain shiny and improve the outlook of the building. Someone has to do the tough job of cleaning these windows.

Here are some tips that will help as you clean the window of your story building.

window cleaning tall buildings

Clean During a Perfect Weather Day

Window cleaning tall buildings is a vertically challenging task. With all the risks associated with it, the weather condition should not be one of them. Look at the weather forecast and pick out a day that the weather would be perfect for the activity.

You would not want a day that is too sunny. The hotness of the sun would cause the cleaning solution on the window to dry up so fast. It would leave marks on the glass. Also, since you will be high up there, the sun’s rays could prevent you from seeing the stains and dirt on the window.

Pick a day that the weather is cooler and perhaps cloudy. You wouldn’t have to struggle with the reflection of the sun’s rays on the window glass nor have to be out cleaning a window when it is raining and slippery. 

Cleaning the window of a tall building when it is raining is pointless. The rain will not allow the windows to dry naturally and would mess up your efforts at cleaning them.

Start with the areas within reach

Start cleaning the windows from the bottom. After cleaning the areas that your hand can easily reach, you gradually advance to the other parts of the window. You could use a vacuum cleaner for those areas that within your arm’s reach. As you progress further, you could use a window broom that has a long handle.

The long-handle window broom will allow you to stretch and clean the areas that are beyond your reach. Ensure that the broom handle is long and strong enough to cope with the stretch and purpose it will serve.

window cleaning tall buildings

Use modern cleaning technology

The window cleaning of a story building is hard and dangerous work. Climbing on these windows to clean is unnecessary when there are ways to go around it. Some technologies make it easier. 

Use a water-fed system to clean

The commonest way for window cleaning tall buildings is to use water-fed poles. It is easier and more effective. The water-fed pole provides a constant supply of fresh water for the cleaning process. 

Use the water pole-fed brush to scrub the dirt off the window. Scrub the window in ascending order, from bottom to the top. Be careful and do not exert so much pressure on the window as you scrub.

The next step is to rinse it off with the water. Unlike when you were scrubbing, the water for rinsing should flow from the top of the window through to the bottom.

Use cradles

Using cradle is more appropriate if you can fix pulleys on the building. It is easier to reach the tall windows and convey cleaning resources up to the window area with cradles. It has no height restriction either.

Use a mounted platform

Some persons use mounted platforms to enable them clean, especially when a cradle is unavailable. The mounted platform would have to be suitable for the overall layout and scale of the building. It should also be in a manner that you could easily set up and dismantle.

Use the rope access method

Mounting a rope to clean your window is another method. However, you need to be strong and master the process. Dangling on a rope to clean a tall window is not particularly an exciting experience. It could be dangerous. 

However, it allows you to get very close to the window and clean it effectively. Ensure that the rope you will use is well-fastened and secured. Avoid using weak ropes that could snap. 

It is easier to maneuver around the window and get it clean. It would help you reach some areas that the other methods cannot reach. 

window cleaning tall buildings

Employ the services of professional window cleaners

It is okay if you cannot clean the windows of your tall building or lack the right tools for it. Get professional help to and save yourself from the risk involved. Professional window cleaners possess the right skill set, experience, and equipment to

Using a professional will keep you safe, prevent any damage to your windows, and still give you clean, sparkling windows without compromising your safety. It’s like eating your cake and having it. In Arizona, there are professional window cleaners that will take the stress off you.


The right method for you would depend on the complexity of your building and its height. You should also consider if the cleaning area is also prone to a lot of human traffic and interruptions. It will help you decide the best method to use for cleaning the window of your tall building.

Cleaning the window of a tall building is not for you if heights freak you out, neither is it for the fainthearted. Get a professional window cleaner in Arizona to do the job of window cleaning tall buildings. However, if you choose to do the work, your safety is paramount at all times. Your safety is not negotiable. The view up there is nice; enjoy it while at it.