Bird Fly into Your Windows: How to Prevent it and Clean the Mess

Everyone loves a shiny window. It makes the home or space look lovely. It lets you see what’s going on outside. If it’s a business space, it’s a welcome sign for customers because it portrays the company’s organization. Let’s say you just got your windows cleaned, you sit back and gaze lovingly at how clear and […]
Bird Strike on Your Windows: Here’s a Solution

Everyone loves a shiny window. It makes the home or space look lovely. It lets you see what’s going on outside. If it’s a business space, it’s a welcome sign for customers because it portrays the company’s organization. Let’s say you just got your windows cleaned, you sit back and gaze lovingly at how clear […]
3 Ways to Avoid Birds Colliding With Your Windows

Avoid Bird to Window Collision With These Three Tips Everyone loves a shiny window. It makes the home or space look lovely. It lets you see what’s going on outside. If it’s a business space, it’s a welcome sign for customers because it portrays the company’s organization. Let’s say you just got your best windows […]